Saturday 2 May 2015

New potters in town

It stuns me how many potters there are in this area of France. How do they all survive financially? The vast majority sell wonderful stuff, but just how many bowls and plates do the locals or the tourists actually want to buy?

It must be difficult for them to get to their potential markets and that is most probably why, not just content with selling from their own studios, a group of potters have got together and are now selling from the old Musée du Vélo or Musée du Poilu, depending on how long your memory is.

We saw the sign a few weeks ago and went to visit, and I must say the layout of the place and the quality of the pottery is well worth the visit. Last Friday was their official opening and we received an invitation, a lovely warm evening with wine and nibbles to celebrate the opening of yet another attractive asset to our village.

The display area is light and airy and they have put a lot of effort into displaying their wares in a way that you can see what they have to offer, not too cluttered and yet not to sparse. All in all, well worth a look.

So when you go to the bio market, or when you are taking a ride on the Voie Verte, why not pop in to see the pottery and don’t forget to visit the upstairs, the bigger and more artistic pieces are up there.

Good luck to our local potters, I hope the venture works out for them.

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